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Rabu, 07 Maret 2012

Memory of JaTim Park

Do you know what is this place? It's Jatim Park, it is a small amusement park in East Java
This place is quite cool. You can see on the picture, this place is almost next to the hill.
My friend took this picture inside the amusement ark, pretty unique angle I think
Well, I have sad-happy memory when I visited this place
I remember well, when I was in high school I had a very solid class (we called ourselves as SAINSTHOPIA).
At that time there's a sport competition in my school, this competition is a precious competition because the class which win it will get the greatest pride (only in my School actually :p)
And you know what, if you're talking about sport we're the best class. We had the basketball players, football players, and volleyball players. 
Even when the competition hadn't started yet we're like shouted "We are the Winner!!!" from the beginning
So, what is the relation between the competition and Jatim Park?
We had too much confident to win the all the sport competition. We almost took all the trophies, we reached the semifinal in every match.
But... one morning when I stepped my foot in my class, I saw my friends were crying and the boys still tried to be cool by having serious conversation. I'm bit confused because I came late (my bad habit) that day.
Then I found out that my class were ELIMINATED in every match we had! Whaaaat!! We were the semifinalist in every match and we had to lose without playing.
I heard that it because my friend had a quarrel when he watched other class match.
I felt like 'So what! he had quarrel, so what's wrong with us?'
We tried everything to be not eliminated, but nothing could change the decision.
My friend apologized to us again and again. We knew he felt very guilty. We didn't blame him actually, he is our friend we know him well.

After that shocking day, we lost our spirit to go to school. It was our darkest days at school. The strongest class lost without playing any games. TT_TT
Then one of us said "Let's go to Malang this weekend. Let's go to Jatim Park and take off all of this crazy depression!"
Without any good plan, on sunny Sunday morning we just went to Jatim Park.
We screamed, laughed, and played together like kindergarteners.
No more stress, no more dark days. Our days turned to be brighter everyday.
Because we're together, we won together and we lost together. We faced everything together confidently again.
I recommend this place for everyone who feel like getting too much stress. Come with your friends and have fun together. 

Selasa, 10 Mei 2011

Learn Indonesian


Kalimat sapaan is a basic greetings that usually used when meet people

Selamat pagi
Good Morning
Selamat sore
Good afternoon

Selamat malam
Good evening

Apa kabar?
How are you?

Senang bertemu denganmu
Nice to meet you